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Downloads for therapists

Regularly updated documents are available for you to download here. 

The ABC scale is a self-assessment tool that measures confidence in the ability to carry out everyday activities safely and without losing balance.

The Berg Balance Scale is a test procedure that can be used to determine the balance behavior of patients.

A craft guide for the subjective visual vertical bucket test to test the perception of vertical orientation and detect vestibular disorders.

The modified CTSIB offers the possibility to quantify postural control under different sensory conditions.

The CBRQ is used to assess cognitive and behavioral responses to stimuli.

The D-FABBI assesses how fear-avoidance beliefs influence physical activity and work and the resulting disability.

The DHI is a 25-item self-assessment tool for assessing self-perceived impairment due to dizziness.

The DVA is a simple test for measuring and evaluating the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) and gaze stability.

This document offers practical tips and exercises for self-help with orthostatic dizziness.

The FGA assesses postural stability during walking and the ability to perform several motor tasks simultaneously.

The mMST measures motion-induced dizziness with 10 rapid changes in head or body position.

The Nijmegen Questionnaire helps to assess the severity of symptoms associated with hyperventilation.

The NPQ assesses the severity and impact of persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD) on daily life.

Strategies for improving balance and reducing the risk of falling.

The Vestibular Ocular Motor Screening (VOMS) is a short screening procedure to detect deficits of the vestibulo-ocular system after concussions.

The VRBQ measures the difference between the respondent's current state of symptoms and quality of life and a normal state for the person.

The VVAS is a visual analog scale that assesses the intensity of visual dizziness in nine situations that typically trigger dizziness.

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